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May 19, 2008

Uecker Stalker Redeemed

Ignore what is I'm sure an intense game of ping-pong taking place center stage in the photo. Ping pong is for suckers. Why play ping pong when you can play beer pong?

Instead, feast your eyes on the tall drink of awesome on the right side of the picture sporting the super tight trunks and silvery tuft of chest hair. It's the one and only Bob Uecker.

If this picture doesn't put a stirring in the loins of the ladies of retirement communities nationwide, I don't know what will.

Also, I'm not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

yes, Uecker had a crazy stalker. Pic from this week's Sports Illustrated.

Posted by McLane

BallHype: hype it up!

1 comment:

clydesdale said...

"just a bit outside"