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Apr 6, 2008

...and he walked away

In case you missed it on Friday, NASCAR Sprint Cup rookie Michael McDowell had a bad crash during qualifying at Texas Motor Speedway. A bad, bad crash...

The most amazing part is at the end, when McDowell walked out of the car without a scratch on him. Maybe he's the luckiest SOB who ever lived, or maybe the Car of Tomorrow really is safer than the old car. 10 years ago, and there's almost no way McDowell walks out of the car and waves to the crowd.

Posted by The Duke of Everything

BallHype: hype it up!


Unknown said...

I did pretty much the same thing in a rented Eclipse one time.

Except for the flipping over and catching on fire, that is. And the crashing into a wall.

clydesdale said...

10 years ago they pull his chopped up body out of that car in 5 pieces. mcdowell is a good kid. the local am sports radio did a interview with him on friday, he is the pride of glendale, az.