So this weekend, legendary golf instructor Butch Harmon quit as John Daly's swing coach after a series of events that led Harmon to exclaim that "the most important thing in his life is getting drunk." In the interest in letting Harmon in on a few things, I'd like to point out to him a few other things that are the "most important things" in some other people's lives. Like, the most important thing...
in Matt Leinart's life is having sex with a bevy of hot coeds...
in Shaquille O'Neal's life is AM/PM hot dogs...
in Scrooge McDuck's life is swimming in a pool of gold coins...
You get the idea.
To recap the story, during a rain delay in the first round of the PODS Championship (don't ask, it's a terrible sponsor name for a tournament), Daly spent 2 1/2 hours at the Hooters corporate tent behind the 17th green. Presumably, he wasn't drinking diet Cokes and eating M&Ms. After play resumed, he decided it would be fun to have his good buddy, Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Jon Gruden, caddy for him. Shockingly, he would up shooting a 77 and followed that up with an 80 to miss the cut by roughly one bazillion strokes. However, if he was broken up about it, he didn't show it on Saturday, as he was signing various female body parts and getting hammered at the Hooters "Owl's Nest" at the tournament.
Oh, that wacky John Daly. Always getting into trouble! He's just a big ol' country boy who loves beer, women and golf, and probably in that order. He's like a walking Skoal ad. Wouldn't it be great if more golfers had a little bit of John Daly in him?
But here's the thing...
John Daly can get drunk during the actual playing of a competition, and he's a lovable redneck. But Pac-Man Jones likely won't be playing football this year, or any time soon, even though he hasn't been convicted of any crimes, merely of making stupid mistake after stupid mistake? You can't convince me that there is no connection between the public perception of the two and their race. More specifically, the neat stereotype that each athlete falls into: John Daly is the big, dumb redneck who is a train wreck but harmless (like Billy Carter), while Pac-Man Jones is the big scary black man who is going to sleep with and possibly kill your blonde, white women (like O.J. Simpson).
Obviously, race isn't the whole story here. Pac-Man Jones was suspended indefinitely by the NFL after a series of issues that involved guns and people being paralyzed. John Daly mainly gets drunk and makes an ass of himself (and maybe gets into fights with his wife of the moment that leaves her in jail and him with giant scratch marks on his face at the first tee). And as my wife pointed out tonight, the PGA Tour doesn't have to worry about John Daly becoming the harbinger for the actions of the rest of the players on tour - he's clearly an isolated exception to the rule. Meanwhile, the NFL is desperate to make sure that their league doesn't turn into the NBA (i.e. a league full of "gangstas" and thugs) in the eyes of the fans, and will do anything to stop it.
As for Gruden, his half-day as a caddy was well-received by the local media. See, John Daly's not a drunk with a gambling problem and a mean temper. He's a "colorful character"! I think the media would have been less sympathetic if Gruden had been spotted around town with Pac-Man Jones at Tampa Bay's finest Gentlemen's establishment. (And shouldn't he be spending less time hauling bags for John Daly and more time trying to figure out when Tampa Bay has approximately 18 quarterbacks on their roster, none of whom are any good?)
Mar 11, 2008
On John Daly, Pac-Man Jones and Double Standards
Red Sox Respond to Yankees, Sign Robin Williams
BOSTON - The Boston Red Sox today announced that Oscar winner Robin Williams will play in an exhibition game for the team later this month. The move is seen as a response to the New York Yankees announcement that Billy Crystal will also suit up and join the Yankees in an upcoming exhibition game, and an attempt to close the gap in moderately funny comedians from the 1980s whose career have fallen on hard times.
"The Yankees might have an Oscar host, but we have an Oscar winner," said Red Sox GM Theo Epstein. "Plus, what has Billy Crystal done in the past 10 years? While he's been busy chasing the Clippers around the country, Robin Williams has been starring in hit movies such as Man of the Year, RV and August Rush."
For his part, the 56 year-old Williams said that taking the field for the Red Sox is "a dream come true."
"I've been a huge fan of the Red Sox for a long time, all the way back to when I made Good Will Hunting," Williams said.
He then went on to recite the entire speech his character from the movie made about Cartlon Fisk's game-winning home run in the 1975 World Series in front of a cadre of increasingly bored reporters, before devolving into a 20-minute long, sporadically humorous riff with tangents including: rosin bags and their similarities to cocaine; Al Gore's hatred of pine tar; and baby poop.
In a related note: in an attempt to stiumlate their fan base, the Tampa Bay Rays had offered one-day minor league contracts to Shecky Green, Don Rickles and Charlie Callas.
Posted by The Duke of Everything at 2:02 PM 0 comments

Labels: baseball, Billy Crystal, Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees, robin williams