- Jesus, McLane, you people in Arizona sure do take your liquor licenses seriously! Although I bet if you asked Bill Belichik if he could go back and convince this guy to open fire on the Super Bowl, in exchange for the game being canceled and the Patriots not losing, he'd have to think long and hard about it.
- If there's a giant patch of blood on the shoulder of his jersey next season, I'm calling bullshit.
- NBA announces "Day of Community Service" in New Orleans before the All-Star game; roughly one-quarter of all players call their lawyer to see if "this counts" towards their court-mandated sentences.
- Former Oilers All-Pro linebacker John Grimsley believes that guns don't kill people, people kil-BOOM! Whoops...I guess he should have spent some time watching Eddie Eagle teach him about gun safety.
- Apparently, training to be a sumo wrestler is like Green Beret boot camp, except with more beer bottles being smashed into your head and being attacked with baseball bats until you are dead. Those wacky Japanese...
Feb 7, 2008
Quick Hits
US 2, Mexico 2: And My Sister Isnt Even That Hot
Nothing inspires head-scratching like a draw in soccer. As a US Soccer fan, should I feel upset that we couldn't beat our rival at home? Or good that we didn't lose in a game where we were outplayed for big chunks of the match? The day after a draw is sort of like the morning after a night of moderate drinking - you didn't have a blast; no one's panties wound up on your head, and you didn't fall into the pond outside of the bar. But, it was fun in a subdued way, and instead of having a massive hangover, you feel OK this morning, just a little "off."
That's what last night's game versus Mexico was like.
The excellent soccer blog That's On Point broke down the game and each players significantly better than I can, so I'll just summarize my feelings:
- Once the Clint Dempsey goal was waved off, the wind was totally sucked out of the US team's sails. If it counts, the US is up 3-1, with all the momentum in the world. Mexico, basically, would have been done. Instead, it stays 2-1, Mexico starts outplaying the US afterwards and through the second half, and you have what you have. (And yes, it was offsides, clearly. Way to be on the ball with the replays, ESPN.)
- Nice to see that sleepy, disinterested Landon Donovan can show up to US/Mexico games too, and not just in the World Cup.
- Jozy Altidore...YES!!! A more skilled Brian McBride? (Which is saying a lot.) I don't know, but the kid is an absolute stud. Great to see him get his first start and make the most of it. That was a young team the US had on the field (as was Mexico's), and the US team is going to be better for the experience as WC Qualifying rolls around.
- Michael Bradley had his first real clunker of a game for the US team, after looking like a Wunderkind in every other appearance. If this was the first game you've seen of the US lately, don't judge him on that one game and think "Coach's son, that's why he's playing": the kid is the real deal. Sometimes 20 year-olds play like they are 20.
- Of course, there's no excuse for Bobby Convey. He seems like a nice guy and all, but...really? Starting against Mexico, in 2008? No awareness, no ability to make the crucial touch, getting stripped of the ball by defenders clean because he was trying to do more than his skills would allow...basically, he's like this relic of US National Teams past. If he's going to play, why not bring back Thomas Dooley? Maybe convince Mike Sorber to come out of retirement? For God's sake, get well soon DaMarcus!
- Set piece defending...ugh. Bad flashbacks to, well, basically every World Cup we've ever played in. If we're starting a big, slow defense, shouldn't that be the one thing they do well?
Posted by The Duke of Everything at 11:27 AM 0 comments

Labels: Clint Dempsey, Jozy Altidore, Landon Donovan, Mexico, US Soccer